Primary School Sessions: Ages 7-11 (Our Generation. Our Vote.)

Primary School Sessions: Ages 7-11 (Our Generation. Our Vote.)

This scheme of work is part of the 'Our Generation. Our Vote' project.
Taking part in the ‘Our Generation. Our Vote’ project will support schools to deliver a range of key curriculum areas, including Citizenship, PSHE, SMSC (particularly the promotion of fundamental British values) in England and Health and Well-Being and Humanities in Wales. Taking part will also support with children and young people’s personal development; one of the four key judgements for Ofsted inspections in England and a key part of the inspection area ‘care, support and guidance’ for Estyn in Wales.  

By the end of this scheme of work it is expected that learners will be able to answer the following key learning questions:

➯ Who has the power to make political decisions over England and Wales? 
➯ What is Parliament? 
➯ What is a general election? 
➯ What does an MP do? 
➯ Welcome to the general election 2024
➯ What issues are important to you?
➯ Who are your candidates and what are their priorities?
➯ Exploring manifestos and casting your vote!
➯ Analysing the results
Please note, teachers do not need to deliver all the resources; they should pick and choose those that are most appropriate for their learners and the time they have available.

Our Generation Our Vote. Introductory Session (Primary 7-11)

These sessions introduce learners to the Out Generation. Our Vote. is, and gets them energised to participate in the project alongside thousands of other young people across England and Wales.

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Our Generation. Our Vote. Introductory Session

Welcome to the General Election (Ages 7-11)

In this Our Generation Our Vote session, created by VotesforSchools for primary aged pupils, learners are Welcomed to the General Election 2024. They are introduced to the political parties and start to think about issues that are important to them. They learn about constituencies and research their local candidates standing for election. Through an ‘election safari’ pupils find out what they may spot in ‘the wild’ during the General Election. After completing this session, pupils will be ready to learn about party manifestos and policy areas and then cast their vote as part of Our Generation Our Vote.

This resource is available in English and Welsh, please scroll down to find the language you need.

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Welcome to the General Election

What is a General Election (Primary session)

Pupils explore the meaning of ‘democracy,’ and the ways in which citizens can participate in democratic life in Britain.

Pupils learn about the role of the Prime Minister, Members of Parliament and political parties, and how a general election works.

They consider why it is important for citizens to be well informed before casting their vote, and how they can find out about the views of candidates and parties. Pupils also look at the reasoning behind the secret ballot, and consider the voting age debate.

The lesson contains an extension activity that introduces the class to women’s fight for the vote through the Suffrage Movement.

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What is a General Election?

Why do we have laws? (Primary session)

Pupils learn about democracy and the rule of law. They discover the different roles of Parliament, government and the justice system. Pupils explore why we need laws and how they are made. Finally, pupils consider what new laws they would like to see introduced and how to make their voices heard by those in positions of power.

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Why do we have laws?

Local and central government (Primary session)

Pupils learn about the function of central and local government and the difference between MPs and councillors.

Pupils explore the job of Parliament, taking a look at the role of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. They examine a range of issues faced by citizens deciding which political representative is best placed to help.

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Local and central government

Who runs the UK? (Primary session)

Students learn about the difference between the Government and Parliament, and find out about the House of Commons, the House of Lords and the role of the monarch.

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Who runs the UK?

What do MPs do? (Primary session)

The session begins with a quick true or false quiz recalling and introducing facts about MPs. Students go on to learn about a range of new topics, including political parties, constituencies, the role of MPs, and who can be an MP.

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What do MPs do?

Why is voting important? (Primary session)

This session begins with students voting on a range of issues as a class to explore
the purpose and value of voting. They learn about voting as part of democratic government, including free and fair elections, who can vote in a general election and why it is so important.

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Why is voting important?

The Senedd (Primary 7-11)

This lesson introduces learners aged 7-11 to the Senedd: location, responsibilities, and important people. This lesson is available in both English and Welsh.

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The Senedd

Local Government in Wales (Primary 7-11)

This lesson introduces learners aged 7-11 to local government: responsibilities, important people, and impact on everyday life.

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Local government in Wales

UK Parliament (Ages 7-11)

This lesson introduces learners aged 7-11 to the UK Parliament; location, responsibilities, and important people.

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UK Parliament

How decisions are made (Primary 7-11)

This lesson explores decision making as an individual and as a collective for learners aged 7-11.

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How decisions are made

Exploring manifestos and casting your vote!

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Exploring manifestos and casting your vote!

The Results (Our Generation. Our Vote.)

This session introduces learners of all ages to the results of Our Generation. Our Vote. and supports them to start to analyse these. Learners then compare the results of Our Generation. Our Vote. to the results of the 2024 General Election and start to think about how the winning government and their elected MP might have an impact on their lives and community. Please see the facilitator notes on each slide for more detail and delivery guidance. ​
This session should take approximately 30 to 50 minutes, depending on the uptake of, and time given to, the discussion activities and whether you look at the results in more detail with your group via the Our Generation. Our Vote. results page, or just use the information on the slides.​
On some of the slides, there are additional questions or more detail aimed at older groups of young people, these are indicated by an orange box. Please use/remove as appropriate for the age and needs of your group.​
From the new academic year, Our Generation. Our Vote. will share additional resources and opportunities for young people to continue with democratic education and getting their voices heard in their communities and with their elected MP. 

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The Results