
Local and central government (Primary Ages 7-11) (English)

In this lesson created by the team at Young Citizens, pupils learn about the function of central and local government and the difference between MPs and local councillors. Pupils explore the job of parliament, taking a look at the role of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Pupils explore a range of issues faced by citizens and decide which political representative is best placed to help. They then go on to consider the ways that they can participate in our democracy, and finally apply and consolidate their learning by designing a new political party and voting for a candidate to stand for election.

By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to:

➯ Explore the role of central and local government;
➯ Describe what happens in parliament;
➯ Identify different ways they can make their voices heard by key decision makers in their area.

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Local and central government (Primary session)

A  comprehensive set of materials to help students  spread the word about the Senedd Election taking place on 6 May 2021.Discover what's going on for Vote 16 Campaign and book your place on online events.
Resource Info
Young Citizens
Young Citizens
Age group
Resource type
Level of Government
UK National Government
UK National Government
Voter Registration
Voter Registration
How to Vote and Voter ID
How to Vote and Voter ID
Candidates, Manifestos and Political Parties
Candidates, Manifestos and Political Parties
Understanding the Voting and Political System
Understanding the Voting and Political System
Social and Political Issues
Social and Political Issues
Additional needs
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