In this Our Generation Our Vote session, learners explore party manifestos and cast their vote as part of Our Generation Our Vote! This is the Secondary age version in English
Please see the PowerPoint slides for delivery notes to review in advance Please see the PowerPoint slides for delivery notes to review in advance of the session. This session can be delivered in multiple parts or in one go but we recommend that you allow a minimum of 60-80 minutes overall. If you split the session, this would be a minimum of 40-60 minutes for the exploring issues/manifestos section (slides 1-4) and a minimum of** **20 minutes for the section where learners cast their votes (slides 5-10).
You will need your ballot papers and boxes for this session. We recommend that you also print the Manifesto Policy Summaries (available via the link in the slides) in advance to use in the activity.
By the end of this session you will have collected votes from your learners. Please submit these votes by 5pm Friday 21st June to be included in the results announcement on Friday 28th June. The link to submit your votes has been sent to you via email and on the cover slip in the ballot paper delivery.
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