Understanding Politics

Understanding Politics

Understanding Politics provides learners with an opportunity to explore the structures and roles that underpin different levels of government in Wales: Welsh Politics, UK Politics, Local Government in Wales and the House of Lords.

The Understanding Politics resources are designed to support the Humanities Area of the Curriculum for Wales and are for 14 to 16 year old / Progression step 5 learners. Each resource can be delivered as standalone learning episode or as part of a scheme of work.

All resources are available in English and Welsh.

Understanding Politics - Local Government in Wales

This lesson explores the key features of local government in Wales covering structure, responsibilities and role of local councillors for 14 to 16 year old / Progression step 5 learners. This resource is part of the 'Understanding Politics' programme, designed to support the Humanities Area of the Curriculum for Wales.

This lesson have been designed to be taught in a flexible way that best suits learners' needs. This approach enables practitioners to design a curriculum that is reflective of their learners. 

Guidance on delivering each lesson can be found on the first few slides of each lesson slide deck.

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Local Government

Understanding Politics - The House of Lords

This lesson explores the key features of the House of Lords including location, appointment, role. It is suitable for 14 to 16 year old / Progression step 5 learners. This resource is part of the 'Understanding Politics' programme, designed to support the Humanities Area of the Curriculum for Wales.

This lesson have been designed to be taught in a flexible way that best suits learners' needs. This approach enables practitioners to design a curriculum that is reflective of their learners. 

Guidance on delivering each lesson can be found on the first few slides of each lesson slide deck.

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House of Lords

Understanding Politics - UK Politics

This lesson explores the key features of UK politics covering the UK Government and the role and work of an MP. It is suitable for 14 to 16 year old / Progression step 5 learners. This resource is part of the 'Understanding Politics' programme, designed to support the Humanities Area of the Curriculum for Wales.

This lesson have been designed to be taught in a flexible way that best suits learners' needs. This approach enables practitioners to design a curriculum that is reflective of their learners.

Guidance on delivering each lesson can be found on the first few slides of each lesson slide deck.

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UK Politics

Understanding Politics - Welsh Politics

This lesson explores the key features of Welsh politics covering the Welsh Government and Senedd Cymru. It is suitable for 14 to 16 year old / Progression step 5 learners. This resource is part of the 'Understanding Politics' programme, designed to support the Humanities Area of the Curriculum for Wales.

This lesson have been designed to be taught in a flexible way that best suits learners' needs. This approach enables practitioners to design a curriculum that is reflective of their learners. 

Guidance on delivering each lesson can be found on the first few slides of each lesson slide deck.

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Welsh Politics