UK Parliament Teaching Resources

UK Parliament Teaching Resources

A selection of resources from the UK Parliament Education and Engagement Team to support learning about the role and function of UK Parliament.

What is the UK Parliament?

Resource created in partnership with the UK Parliament Education Service, to explore what the UK Parliament is. Children will become familiar with what Parliament does; how Parliament is different from the Government; and key vocabulary, such as House of Commons, House of Lords, MP, law, election and debate.

The slide deck can be used in the lesson to present information to students.

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What is the UK Parliament?

Get to know your UK Parliament

A lesson where students, aged 11-14, will learn about MPs and members of the House of Lords, what they do, and why their work is important. They can find out how they can get their voices heard in Parliament and make a difference to the issues that they care about. 

Resources consist of an information booklet for students and worksheets (worksheets are found in the Teacher Guidance).

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Get to know your UK Parliament

You UK Parliament: The Essentials Guide

This book explores the roles of Parliament, MPs and members of the House of Lords in making laws and checking the work of the Government. It covers elections and voting systems as well as ways young people can engage with the work of Parliament to make change.

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Essentials Guide

Find Out About Parliament

A lesson about what voting is, how it can be used, and the basic functions of democracy, in SEND accessible form.

This pack of resources have practical and accessible ideas to get pupils thinking about how they make decisions in a group. The booklet contains stories which explore each theme in a familiar context, while the poster pack provides a stimulus to extend pupils’ understanding of each concept and how it relates to Parliament.

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Find out about Parliament

Our School Trip

This illustrated educational book is a great teaching resource for pupils, aged 5-7, learning about Parliament and law-making. Pupils will explore the House of Commons and the House of Lords, and find out what happens when Oak Class meet some of the people who work there. English and Welsh versions available.

Download the 'Teacher Guidance' PDF for teacher notes and classroom activity ideas.

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Our School Trip