Making A Decision  - Primary

Making A Decision - Primary

The purpose of the Making A Decision programme is to provide a coherent and exciting curriculum that explores four key aspects of Welsh politics: How Are Decisions Made?, The Senedd, UK Parliament and Local Government in Wales

Within this learning, learners develop skills and experiences that support their progression in decision-making and oracy.

The Making A Decision resources are aimed at 3 to 5 and 8 to 11 year old learners. This scheme of work is for 8 to 11 year old / Progression step 3 learners - for 3 to 5 year old / Progression step 1 resources see the 'Making A Decision - 3 to 5 year olds and ALN / SEND' Scheme of Work.

Each resource can be delivered as standalone learning episode or as part of a scheme of work.

All resources are available in English and Welsh.

Making A Decision - How Are Decisions Made (Primary)

This lesson explores explores decision making as an individual and as collective for 8 to 11 year old / Progression step 3 learners. This lesson is part of the 'Making A Decision' programme, designed to support the Humanities Area of the  of the Curriculum for Wales.

This lesson have been designed to be taught in a flexible way that best suits learners' needs. This approach enables practitioners to design a curriculum that is reflective of their learners. 

Guidance on delivering each lesson can be found on the first few slides of each lesson slide deck.

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How Decisions Are Made

Making A Decision - Local Government in Wales (Primary)

This lesson introduces 8 to 11 year old / Progression step 3 learners to local government: responsibilities, important people, and impact on everyday life. This resource is part of the 'Making A Decision' programme, designed to support the Humanities Area of the  of the Curriculum for Wales.

This lesson have been designed to be taught in a flexible way that best suits learners' needs. This approach enables practitioners to design a curriculum that is reflective of their learners. 

Guidance on delivering each lesson can be found on the first few slides of each lesson slide deck.

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Local Government

Making A Decision - The Senedd (Primary)

This lesson introduces 8 to 11 year old / Progression step 3 learners to the Senedd: location, responsibilities, and important people. This resource is part of the 'Making A Decision' programme, designed to support the Humanities Area of the  of the Curriculum for Wales.

This lesson have been designed to be taught in a flexible way that best suits learners' needs. This approach enables practitioners to design a curriculum that is reflective of their learners. 

Guidance on delivering each lesson can be found on the first few slides of each lesson slide deck.

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The Senedd

Making A Decision - UK Parliament (Primary)

This lesson introduces 8 to 11 year old / Progression step 3 learners to the UK Parliament; location, responsibilities, and important people. This resource is part of the 'Making A Decision' programme, designed to support the Humanities Area of the  of the Curriculum for Wales.

This lesson have been designed to be taught in a flexible way that best suits learners' needs. This approach enables practitioners to design a curriculum that is reflective of their learners. 

Guidance on delivering each lesson can be found on the first few slides of each lesson slide deck.

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UK Parliament