LBN’s Youth Empowerment Service support young people age 9-25 to access social and emotional learning opportunities through our:
· quality youth work practice
· comprehensive youth work offer (experiences and opportunities)
· safe, varied and inviting youth work settings
Young people are supported to develop skills within the areas of - Responsibility, Empathy, Problem Solving, Initiative, Teamwork and Emotion Management all underpinned by the foundational domain of safety (physical, social and emotional).
Through engaging in our service it is our intention young people will:
· Feel Valued
· Have Influence
· Feel Safe
· Realise their Potential
We deliver open access universal Youth Zone provision, detached youth work, an intensive Youth Work offer, a Children’s Rights and Advocacy Service, and a Youth Participation offer.
The Youth Participation Team support the engagement of, and influence by, young people who are often marginalised in mainstream settings – specifically Children in Care, LGBTQIA+, and SEND young people – whilst ensuring that our approach is intersectional. Placing difference at the centre of our participation work and celebrating this, we promote inclusive ways of working and thinking, for youth workers and young people. Young people can take part in a range of activities promoting social action.